3 Years Protopic Withdrawal

I am writing this post a little early. My 3 years actually is not until the end of August, but I was looking at some of the other blogs this morning of fellow TSW’s and figured I might as well do it now.

3 whole years without Protopic. Some days it is crazy to think that it has been that long already. I am doing really well. I did have a small flare on my neck in July, it only lasted a couple weeks, and seemed to clear up once I got some consistent sun on it [and lots of prayers :)]. It was a bit itchy for a couple days and red and rashy looking, but honestly when I compare it to my flares in the past, it was not bad, and I am back to doing great. No itching, sleeping great, no flaking, no redness!

If you had read my last post, I had requested people to help me and my Fiancé win our wedding! Well I just want to say THANK YOU if you voted for us! We actually won!!!! We are getting married in the Beautiful Bahamas this November. I cannot wait!

I am definitely not posting much any more and I am sure it will get less and less. Honestly I have a hard time going back on the Facebook pages and what not and looking at everyone suffering. I kind of avoid it. But if anyone ever has questions or comments I am usually pretty quick to get back to you.

Thank you again if you voted for us! I am counting down the days till we get married! Hope you are all doing well. Keep chugging along and try to stay positive. You will heal.
